
Land owner

“We play a predominant role in long-term
use of forests.”

Your forest land is a source of long-term income, provided that the future is regularly prepared for. With responsibility for forest management, we undertake a three-fold mission: deriving maximum profit from your assets today, preparing the harvests for decades to come, and in broader terms, protecting your whole holding from a variety of hazards.

Well-planned thinning of the plot actually opens up the canopy and promotes good growth among the remaining trees, if only through good light access. Another considerable advantage in these times of climate change so abundant in unpredictable storms: these harvests limit wind exposure, and as a result protect the forest from devastating cataclysms.

Healthy, “well managed” trees can grow while producing very regular annual rings. They are also much more resistant to attack by wood-eating fungi, and avoid physical disorders.

As for the wood debris deliberately left in the harvest areas, it plays an important role on the one hand in producing humus and on the other hand in providing shelter to fauna.  It is all a question of skills.